GKN to Continue Testing 50/50 Biofuel on Gripen’s Engine
Swedish aerospace company, GKN, has been awarded a contract to continue testing the Alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) fuel in Gripen’s RM12 engine, reports Aerospace Testing International. The testing of the alcohol-based biofuel is part of a 7 year joint study between the Swedish Defense Material Administration (FMV), the US Air Force, and the US Navy. The project, which started in 2013, will see its completion towards the end of this year.
“This FMV contract will help us take a step further towards sustainable aviation. It’s an exciting milestone and a key growth area for GKN Aerospace,” said Stefan Oscarsson, Vice President for Government and Space Programs at GKN Aerospace.
Gripen C/D had also successfully completed a flight demonstration powered by 100% renewable biofuel back in March 2017. The tests that were performed with Gripen’s RM12 engine showed excellent results both in air and ground.
The 2020 test will be performed in a test cell and will provide a more in-depth information of the fuel as compared to earlier flight test results with the same 50/50 mix of jet fuel and biofuel. The test will further demonstrate the performance and capability of the engine test cells, their flexibility in measurement systems, design, among others.
As a Type Certificate holder for the RM12 engine, GKN Aerospace can ensure safe engine operation during the test.
Read the full story here.