Cyber solutions for civil aviation
We know there are threats penetrating the boundaries of cyberspace which touch everyone. But what might those threats mean for civil aviation and ultimately the people who use it?

The complexity of the Aviation cyber security threat
Last year the global WannaCry attack that locked computers and held users' files for ransom had pundits sending sharp warnings to the aviation sector*.
"No industry or sector is immune, especially those using new technology," said Saab Australia's Pierre Truter who will be at the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Asia Pacific Cybersecurity Symposium in Hong Kong next week to discuss how innovation and technology can reduce the threat surface.
"ICAO is the United Nations specialised agency that unites aviation; it manages the Convention on International Civil Aviation," said Pierre Truter.
At the Hong Kong symposium, the focus is on creating a cybersecurity framework to safeguard commercial aviation from pending cyber threats.
ICAO works with 192 member States and industry groups to reach consensus on international civil aviation standards, recommended practices and policies to make civil aviation safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible.
Joining a panel with other defence and security technology players such as Thales and Raytheon, Pierre will offer perspective on what a cybersecurity framework might look like for commercial aviation.
"The sector needs a cybersecurity framework to help countries identify threats to its civil aviation's critical infrastructure," said Pierre Truter.
The framework will support ICAO's global aviation security plan and be guided by the global air navigation plan.
"We will discuss what role technology suppliers such as Saab play in a cyber-security framework," said Pierre Truter.
The symposium runs over two days from 15 May 2018.
Relevant reading
*Aviation industry’s risk of cyber attack is on the rise, The Australian, 19 May 2017 [note: paywall in place]
Cyber threat to civil aviation, European Cockpit Association, 2 May 2017
Report: New Technologies Raise Cyber Threat for Aviation, AIN Online, 9 November 2017