Australia decides to upgrade ANZAC ships
Australia decides to upgrade ANZAC ships Australia's Minister for Defence Robert Hill today approved programs for upgrading the ANZAC ships. This will be carried out by the ANZAC Alliance comprising Australia's Defence Authority, Tenix and Saab. Most of the work will be carried out in Australia during standard maintenance periods. The total cost of upgrading the ANZAC ships will amount to AUD 500 million, and several suppliers are involved in the development work. Saab can be involved in upgrading command and control systems. If the upgrade becomes a definite order, this would be expected in the latter part of 2004. Saab is one of the world's leading high-technology companies with its main operations focusing on defence, aviation and space. The group covers a broad spectrum of competence and capability in systems integration. For further information please contact: Iréne Svensson, Group Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Saab AB Tel. +46 (0)8-463 01 30, +46 (0)734-187130 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: