Saab Aerotech delivers automatic test station to South Africa
Saab Aerotech in Arboga is to develop an advanced automatic test station (ATS) for South Africa. The station will be used to test equipment for the South African Gripen. The deal means that Saab Aerotech needs to employ more personnel in Arboga.
Saab Aerotech has previously developed autotesters for the Swedish Armed Forces’ Gripen aircraft, and the basic concept is the same in South Africa’s ATS. A difference is that the new tester, RSA 48, will have a wider area of use than the Swedish ones. The test station will be able to test more than 30 different types of equipment for Gripen, including the automatic pilot, inertial guidance system and electronic presentation.
The complete test station is to be delivered in 2009. Saab Aerotech will cooperate with Saab Logtronics in South Africa, who will assemble the test station, make adapters etc. Saab Aerotech is responsible for the design and construction and will also develop around 30 test programs.
The work involves around 20 employees in Avionics and Test Solutions.
“The deal means that we need to employ 5-10 people, mainly test engineers and developers. Within the test area this is an important contract that further strengthens our international presence”, says Thomas Carlsson, at Saab Aerotech’s division Electronic Systems Services in Arboga.
Saab Aerotech is Sweden’s leading supplier of integrated support solutions. The range covers a wide selection of services and products for cost effective support for systems and platforms during the entire lifecycle. The company offers its capabilities and expertise globally to customers within defence, public security and civil aviation. Saab Aerotech is a business unit within the Saab group.
Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.