First serial produced Swedish Gripen E
The first serial produced Swedish Gripen E aircraft, designated 6002, has now entered the joint verification and validation programme. To mark that important step in the program, Saab showed the aircraft for the Swedish Defence minister and representatives from The Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) and Swedish Armed Forces the 20 December in Linköping.
The aircraft, 6002, performed its first flight in November and is now part of the joint verification and validation programme, which is a cooperation between Saab, Swedish Armed Forces and FMV where the organizations together from the outset in the development test and verify the aircraft and its functions all the way from basic systems up to full operational capabilities.
“With this aircraft, Sweden can counter the future threats. We will not be numerically superior, but we will be at the cutting edge of technology, and that´s what matters. We will have the tactical superiority. Additionally, I know what a fantastic feeling it is to fly Gripen. It’s really incredible that a small country like Sweden can build a fighter aircraft like this, positioned one of the best in the world,” said Major general Carl-Johan Edström, Chief of Air Force.
“The aircraft you see next to me is one of the most modern aircraft in the world. It adds the operational capability to the Swedish Armed Forces that our time demands. It is also a proof of Saabs and Sweden's position at the forefront of development. We are a world leader. I would like to congratulate everyone who participated in this development for a very good job. Everyone involved has been incredibly important making this come true,” concluded Peter Hultqvist, Swedish Minister for Defence.
The joint testing is an important milestone and deliver in the Gripen E programme. Serial production deliveries will continue during 2020.